10th International Conference on
Advanced Computing and Communication Systems

14-15 March 2024


All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:

Track 1
Computational Intelligence and Information Systems (CIIS)

  • Computational intelligence solutions for Mobile and Pervasive Computing

  • Computational intelligence in mobile-cloud based computing for social network recommendation services

  • Big data analytics for community activity prediction, management, and decision-making

  • Fuzzy system theory in and recommender systems

  • Social data analytical approaches using computational methods

  • Deep learning and machine learning algorithms for efficient indexing and retrieval in multimedia recommendation systems

  • Intelligent techniques for smart surveillance and security

  • Modeling, data mining, and public opinion analysis

  • Crowd computing-assisted access control and digital rights management

  • Evolutionary algorithms for data analysis and recommendations

  • Intelligence and computing paradigms for sentimental analysis and recommendation

  • Applied soft computing for content security, vulnerability and forensics

  • Computational intelligence in multimedia computing and context-aware recommendation

  • Scalable, incremental learning and understanding virtual reality community

  • Intelligence-assisted ubiquitous, personal, and mobile social media applications

  • Artificial intelligence and pattern recognition technologies for recommendation in healthcare

  • Deep learning and computational intelligence based medical data analysis for recommendation and smart healthcare services

Track 2
Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISCS)

  • Wireless, optical, and hybrid communications and networking

  • Full-duplex, massive MIMO, mm-wave, and THz communications

  • Spectrum access and sharing

  • Integrated sensing, communication, and computational systems

  • Spectrum sensing

  • Wideband compressive sensing

  • Machine learning and Deep learning

  • Cyber-physical systems and hardware-controlled secured communications

  • Dynamic-data-enabled communication systems through sensing and machine learning

  • Quantum communication systems

  • Signal and pattern extraction from massive spatiotemporal data

  • Signal processing for new applications enabled by fat data pipes, virtual reality, telepresence, enhanced reality

  • Sensing and Sensor Data Fusion, Motion Control and Intelligent Actuators

Track 3
Intelligent Informatics and Sustainable Systems (IISS)

  • Informatics Control, Flexible Arm Control, Perception and Recognition, Reasoning and Learning

  • Robotic Systems, Human-Robotic Interaction, Service Robots, Surgery Robots and Machine Vision

  • Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Production Planning and Scheduling, System Simulation, Rapid Prototyping, Concurrent Engineering and Virtual Reality

  • The Web, Business & Digital Culture, Databases, Design & Graphics, Digital Audio, Video and Photography, Hardware, Home & Office

  • Networking & Sys Admin, Operating Systems, programming, Science & Math, Security Software Engineering, Healthcare Informatics, Teaching Informatics, Informatics in education process.